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公司经营国际国内进出口货物的水上船舶、陆地汽车班列、航空货物、快件运输代理业务,提供接货、定舱、报关、报检、仓储、多式联运及综合大型物流等全套服务。公司的宗旨是用专业的素养和强大的整合能力在有限的运输空间中为客户提供无限的优质服务,用延伸服务发展现代物流。AOSIM engages in business of domestic and international ship import and export, bus schedules, transportation agency of air cargos and expresses. It provides a full-service of receiving, booking, customs declaration, inspection, warehousing, multimodal transport and integrated large-scale logistics,etc. The company aims at providing unlimited excellent services to customers with high professional qualities and a strong integration capability in a limited space of transportation, and developing modern logistics with extensive service.